
(2023). Angler: Helping Machine Translation Practitioners Prioritize Model Improvements. CHI ‘23.

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(2023). Expressiveness, Cost, and Collectivism: How the Design of Preference Languages Shapes Participation in Algorithmic Decision-Making. CHI ‘23.


(2022). Reliable and Safe Use of Machine Translation in Medical Settings. ACM FAccT 2022.

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(2022). Engaging Research Participants with Self-Logged Menstrual Health Data. HILDA 2022.

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(2022). Beyond General Purpose Machine Translation: The Need for Context-specific Empirical Research to Design for Appropriate User Trust. TRAIT 2022.


(2021). Three Directions for the Design of Human-Centered Machine Translation. HCI + NLP Workshop at EACL 2021.

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(2020). What If I Don't Like Any Of The Choices? The Limits of Preference Elicitation for Participatory Algorithm Design. Participatory Approaches to Machine Learning, a Workshop at ICML 2020.

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(2018). An Open-Source Realtime Computation Platform (Short WIP Paper). In LCTES' 18.

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